Agavambe Handmade Djembe

All about Talking Drum percussion in a series of six videos where everything is explained in great detail.

The new model of Agavambe drum - Light Djembe -  ...You can order this unique drum or order  a completely customized drum to yourself.

These  tiny Agavambe drums have a sound similar to Bongo drums or even Tabla drums  but they also have a strong bass so that makes them similar to Dharabuka  drums too. Several of these drums could be bind to large Djembe and  used as Tom drums. They are perfect for solo playing.
type of skin - goat skin
diameter of the skin - 13 cm
drum height - 43 cm
Although  the diameter of the skin is small, due to the large resonance box you  have the feeling that you are playing on a bigg drum.

Djembe drums workshop again at Momento Demento Festivall 15-21. 07 2014  Place is fascinating, chill in the shade of large forest ... There will be a lot of drums, but we invite you to bring your own  Djembe drum, Hang drum or any other instrument. The workshop will take place throughout the afternoon each day of the festival, drum circle, knitting rope making the drum ...
Agavambe drums workshop

For most EU countries  you can have Agavambe drum delivered to your home address from 
15   to 22 .
 For some countries the delivery price remains the same for the medium and large drum while for some other European countries the delivery price for a large drum is slightly increased.  This is the shipping cost for some European countries for  Agavambe drum:

Austria 15€
Belgium 15€
Denmark 15€
France 22€
Germany 15€
Italy 22€
Ireland 35€
Netherlands 15€
Poland 22€
Slovakia 22€
Slovenia 15€
Spain 22€
Sweden 22€

 If your country is not on the list  contact me to calculate the delivery cost .
You can also order drum designed according to your desire, color, size ...You can order a drums from 8" (20cm) skin diameter up to 16" (40cm) skin diameter . There are three models of the drum: Classic with goat skin, drum with drumhead skin (plastic skin) and Djembe with light effects. You can choose different colors of rope and rings made of iron or chromium. Agavambe drums are unique and have a distinctive warm sound full of bass. All drums are made from naturally dead agave's.

Compare new Agavambe Djembe drums over the internet. On each drum you have two basic sound, the bass sound from the center of the skin and high sound from the edge of the skin . just click on the drums, enjoy...

Play with 6 drums - click here

If you broke the skin on Ä‘jembe drum, then loosen the ropes, loosen the ropes so you can draw the broken skin out while letting the ropes to stay on the drum. In case you do not have  ropes on the drum, you can put them first and then install the new skin on the djembe. View a simple video which explains it. 

A small recommendation, trying to be in harmony with nature I'm making drums from naturally dead agave's that have lived their 30 years long life. It is not necessary to kill a living agave to make a good drum as some do. Making drum from already dead agave has a lot of advantages: agave is easily cleaned from long spiky leaves and does not need to be put  to dry it's naturally dried, building is easier etc. How to recognize dead agave  of course as each plant - when the stalks lose green color and brown crosses in the gray. Agave stalks are growing under some angle and  after dies stays upright until  the wind tilts it a bit and eventually topple. Such an agave that is naturally fell it's enough to shake it and all the thorns and leaves drops and immediately appears wonderful form of drum. Body of such  agave  tend to be thin, but it's not a big problem, even if the body is thin on one side, even if the agave has cracks along the length all it is perfectly resolved .... It is important to recycle this wonderful form that nature has done before  rottenness  and become food for insects

When I started to make drums (djembe agave drum), I would create them, normally, in a classic way with the skin of a goat.. Later I added to my collection a few agave djembe drums with drum head skin ... It was a little more difficult because I had to make a perfect circle on naturally imperfect body of agave. These two kinds of drums I had the opportunity to test, since I play (agavambe) drums in club's, music festivals and on the street as a street musician.. For performances I have my drum kit of four drums,  two with plastic skin and two with the skin of the  goat and so combine these two types of sound. The following is a short description of differences:                                                                                         
 CLASSICAL DJEMBE:                                
       GOOD: tribal soft sound, good resonance, creating Trance, making such a drum is easier 
       BAD: Subject to weather conditions (the difference in the sound of the night-day wet-dry), short duration of skin
       GOOD: Not subject to weather conditions, once tuned tonality remains the same, double the size of the volume (loudness), the durability of Drum Head
        BAD: Great resonance, Making drum is harder
To add to ...a drum with a plastic skin is leaving more Eco-friendly feeling because there's nothing on it of animal origin, although plastic is produced from petroleum that is created from sediments of creatures who died millions of years ago                                 so pick yourself ...                             

Hand-made percussive drums
great sound,
not very heavy as African djembe drums
opposite, they are very easy to carry
a big difference in sound is virtually imperceptible,
agavambe has deeper bass and djembe is better at higher sound.
Good materials are used for the building
of  drums ,and with each drum I have same
 goal witch is  to make quality instrument , aldo is different in sound than others ,because every agave is unique.
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